Grandselect (Pty) Ltd was formed by companies in the Limpopo Province, which are extensively experienced in the telecommunications construction environments. These companies were Telkom SA outside and inside plant service providers for many years. The main reason for this venture was to form one company as to position ourselves to respond favorable to Pre Qualification Notices, bids, and to be able to tender for and execute turnkey cable projects in the telecommunication environment.
The experience of these companies dates back to 1996 and their major will have a great impact to better service provision to Telecommunication companies like MTN, Telkom, Neotel,Cell C, Vodacom, Siemens and Plessey now and in the future.
Grandselect has an auditable quality management system in place and is currently rated as Telkom SA PCR (Process Control Release System) compliant.
Grandselect has been certified a level three contributor with 110% procurement recognition level.